Sunday, August 22, 2010

Official T-shirt T20P

T-shirt Rasmi T20P untuk di JUAL ! ! !

sample bj dpn blkg gambarkami

Peace be upon all members of the T20P and non-members.
T-shirt now officially open for reservations T20P.

Size: S, M, L, XL, XXL & XXXL
Color: Black

Price: RM 30 / piece including post
(The price of a RM 25 not including post)

[ Payment ]
Bank-in/Transfer to Maybank acc 1570 9123 8703 ( Azlan b. Mohd Shafer )
Then sms / msg directly to hp (019-437 9167 arelan)or following as below .

* Name :
* No Phone / Email :
* Shirt size :
* Quantity:
* Total (bank-in/transfer RM):
* Delivery address :

Booking Closing Date.
5 September 2010

"Salam Ramadhan to all"


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